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Monday, September 20, 2010

What would I be?

Todays topic is if given the choice of being a world class athelete, a famous chef, a famous actor, a famous rock star or a powerful politician which would i choose. This was yet another wonderful topic courtesy of my friend Stephen.

So given that I am have no real desire to be any of these at this point in my life, I think its best to work backwards to reach a conclusion.

I would never make a good athelete, let alone a world class one. I enjoy my food and being lazy too much. Not to mention that pro atheletes only last for a few years (unless you are Brett Farve, I swear he is the energizer bunny).

I would also not want to be a politician. Its sad to say but with our government, one politician can't accomplish much on their own, and I certainly don't trust the ones already there.

Famous actor/rock star kinda go together in the respect that they both involve being the center of attention. I have a tendancy to divert attention from myself and thats not possible with fame. I get enough of being center of attention at LNW group meetings when everyone decides to surround me when I am trying to talk :)

So I guess that leaves only the famous chef. Like I said, I do like food, and I do enjoy cooking. I think I am still pretty noobish cooking wise. Meaning I really do need to have a recipe in front of me. I'm not at a "just throw it together" point. And to be honest I haven't had the best teacher in the kitchen. I love my mom, but her cooking is... well lets just say my abilities past hers about 10 years ago.

That was a fun topic. I get the next 2 days off :D "Rent" should come today via netflix. I haven't seen it before so I hope its as good as I've heard. Everyone have a great night/day.


  1. Wow that is exactly they way I saw you.

    Are these questions not the best. We are learning so much about you and it so great to get to know Jen for Jen and not for Jeniffer Pixieblood.

    Keep those answers coming, I am thinking hard of new ones for you so be prepared.
