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Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Brand new start

Hello out there in blog land. My name is Jennifer Reigle, which you probably got from the url address.

I have attempted somewhere around 4-6 blogs in the past. The only one with even the slightest success was my very first blog for a college english class.

I don't entirely know where I want this blog to take me, but I am inspired. I just finished watching "Julie and Julia" which I must say was more entertaining than I expected.

So what do you need to know about me? well I am 23 1/2. I work at a fast food restaurant. I spend my days eating, working, playing "Wizard 101" and "World of Warcraft" and sleeping.

I love to cook, but I don't have much of an audience for it. My parents, whom I live with, are culinarily ignorant. Oh my mom can cook boxed foods or very simple items like hamburgers. But when it comes to a nice rib-eye steak or chili, she just doesn't make the grade. I found that by high school, my cooking skills had surpassed hers. I don't get to cook a lot however. But I digress.

I spend a lot of time sleeping, but I am always up all night, every night. I like all different kinds of music except hardcore rap and disco. That being said, I have quite the affliction for 90's pop music and 80's rock music. I often say that I was born a decade too late because I love 80's rock soo much. lol.

From 8th grade until 2007 I wanted to be a teacher. In 2007, I left college due to a lack of financial ability. I realized that teaching (at least not math and history for middle school) was not what I wanted to do with the rest of my life. What do I want to do? I honestly have no idea. And that statement in itself has made me feel like a failure soo many times. But I keep reminding myself that my oportunity could be right around the next corner.

I guess my perfect job would be to combine my 2 loves, music and history, and teach a music history class. I find myself fascinated with certain historical events (e.g. WW2, the halocaust, sinking of the titanic, anything dealing with Rome)

My gaming life is very important to me. In Wizard 101, I lead a group called Late Night Wizards. We've grown over the past year from being a small group to a full sized clan with out very own website. In World of Warcraft I have a level 23 Tauren Hunter (which is by far the farthest I have ever gotten with a WoW character.

I titled this blog "my adult life" because I feel like a lost adult. For all intensive purposes, I am aen adult. But my lack of direction really makes me feel like I am still a kid.

I welcome any and all comments from any person out there. If you have something bad to say, SAY IT. Lord knows I could use the feedback. For now I must sleep, since I have to work today.


  1. I've recently started a blog about my work. Isn't as easy as one might think, coming up with things to write about that you'd think someone would like to read. Keep it up!! Nice way to get to know people at least.

  2. Sounds like you have things pretty together if you ask me. I know too many younger adults that do not have half the drive and inspiration you have, whatever/where-ever you go/do, you will be just fine!! Keep up the great work and yes, 80's music is
    "the" best!

  3. Cave of Solitude, has lots of Ore, and can yield a good stash of diamonds!
