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Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I'm a bad employee

So I was supposed to work today. But I wanted to go shopping, so I called in sick and went shopping. I used to never call off. Lately its becomming a nasty little habit. I've even called off for events with my late night wizard group. I really do need to stop it though, otherwise it could get me fired. I work my ass off at my job, and on weekends they fall apart without me. I just get so frustrated being the only one working as hard as I do.

In other news, I watched "Back to the Future" tonight. I love all three of the movies (number 2 is my fav). Friday I'll get part 2 via Netflix :)

Right now I am listening to some Pink. favorite song on this album is "Glitter in the Air"

In gaming news, I started an alliance character in WoW today (gasp!) I can't stand playing a human, but the night Elves might work out. I spent quite a few hours exploring with my Tauren. Got her about a half lvl worth of exp just from walking around. she is almost 24 now.

I did get in w101 for a few minutes today. I spent about 15 minutes searching for a transmute spell for Ore which I now think doesn't exist. If anyone out there can confirm one way or the other please let me know. I'm gonna have to take a break from WoW for a few days to get some crafting done. My crafting guide for the Late Night Wizard site needs to be done by the end of this month.

My dads birthday is this month, still not entirely sure what to get him. It'll be hard to top his father's day present (a box of his favorite- hard to find candy bars). He says he'd be happy with a carton of cigarettes and a case of beer, but I am not comfortable buying beer for him. I'm sure I'll think of something.

Well, I guess I should start heading to bed. I have an 8 1/2 hr work day ahead of me that I really do have to show up for. Remember, any advice or suggestions are welcomed, good or bad.


  1. Tisk Tisk Tisk....very bad employee, be careful what you say on here, cause employers do read their employees blogs and FB accounts.

    I am also trying to get the spell pages done for our site, but lately I have just been exhausted to do anything so I have been sleeping. I will get at least Storm done this weekend.

    See ya around that chat room!


  2. Trust me, if you knew my bosses, you'd know they could care less as long as the habit doesn't continue.

  3. Nothing wrong with not liking your job, just if you really need the money then I would say this, stop calling in, the thing to do is change jobs, that's best advice I can give. Continueing to call in will eventually lead you out the door anyway, beat them to it. A little motivation to keep you there--- Think of all the nice people that come in to eat and now, your not their so they probably leave. Twice a month is a habit in the eyes of management. Go visit and check the job openings. If you see one, go for it. If you need a referral name, ask me and I'll give you one to use.

  4. I did not see any music player as of yet, I am keeping an eye out. midnight-6am, is all about the 80's

  5. I doubt that just "anyone" can read your facebook account that is not your friend, so long as you have your security set properly, like FRIENDS ONLY. Sound off all you want! ((keep it in good taste though)) Some people seem to think if you post something on FB it is visible to the world, SO NOT TRUE! not "everyone" is searching for you or me, LOL, besides most people keep their posts in good taste, as it should be. so NP!! When we gonna PVP in W101? My new balance wizard is level 44 and she's 10-1. She is my best PVP Wizard yet! Specially designed! I bought all the Dispells too so watch out!
