Hello friends,
I found a blog topic generator and used it to find todays topic. I must say that I passed over several topics before finding this topic. Its not a topic I would have chosen out of the blue, but when I saw it, I was interested.
The topic for today is worst ways to die.
Now as I do with most topics, I see this one 2 different ways. The ultimate answer for the worst way to die is to die alone. I hope that some day when I die, someone I love is right there next to me. I want it to be quick and painless.
The other way to see it is the literal meaning. Personally, I think that anything where you die slowly is bad. That being said, being tortured to death is probably the worst way. I'm sure most people would say being shot or stabbed. I'm sure stabbing would be pretty bad, but guns are too quick.
Tomarrow's topic will be the best ways to die... haha jk.
So the Hydraulic Channeler is still broke :( I spent most of yesterday furnishing my house for the halloween house tour. My balance girl had to sell most of her extra stuff (pet snacks, tc's) to just buy the house so I had to use the 49k that my death girl had and I had to take about half of my fire guys money.
The only thing I can't find is dungeon stuff. I have the thing that you put your head and hands through (cant remember the name) and I have bones galore, but I saw someone have chains on the wall and I would like some of those. I would also like one of those power station things like in Katz Lab. If anyone knows where I can find these items, it would be greatly appreciated.
Looks like tonight might not be so busy at work, HS football is an away game, so everyone will come through before I get to work (hopefully). Everyone have a great night/day.
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